tisdag, maj 17, 2011


Create a bookmark, then edit that bookmark and paste this JavaScript.

It will open a search box. You can search a lot of stuff. But I manly use it for IMDB actually. It works on Mac, iPad & iPhone.

Here is the JavaScript:



Sent from my iPhone

måndag, april 11, 2011

I made a song with GarageBand on my iPad


I just made a song with GarageBand on my iPad and I wanted you to hear it.

Take a listen...

onsdag, mars 30, 2011

I made a new song with GarageBand on my iPad

Hi Sexy!

I just made a song with GarageBand on my iPad and I wanted you to hear it.

Take a listen...

tisdag, mars 29, 2011

I made a second song with GarageBand on my iPad


I just made a second song with GarageBand on my iPad and I wanted you to hear it.

Take a listen...

måndag, mars 28, 2011

I made a song with GarageBand on my iPad


I just made a song with GarageBand on my iPad and I wanted you to hear it.

Take a listen...